昨天下午,看完 guoyan19811021 的设计模式之简单工厂模式(Simple Factory Pattern)(参见http://www.csdn.net/Develop/read_article.asp?id=26635) 之后,为了加深印象,我把上面的VB.Net改成了Delphi,未必有很大的意义,但还是贴出来,与大家共享。
首先建一个基类 CName,如下
type CName= Class private { Public declarations } public { protected declarations} function getFirstName:string; function getLastName:string; protected { Private declarations } m_sFirstName:string; m_sLastName:string; end;
type CFirst001= Class(CName) public { Public declarations } constructor Create(a_sInput:string); protected { protected declarations} private { Private declarations } end;
type CFirst002 = Class(CName) public { Public declarations } constructor Create(a_sInput:string); protected { protected declarations} private { Private declarations } end;
type CNameFactory = Class public { Public declarations } function getName(a_sInput:string):CName; protected { Protected declarations } private { Private declarations } end;
function CName.getFirstName:string; Begin result := m_sFirstName; End;
function CName.getLastName:string; Begin result := m_sLastName; End;
constructor CFirst001.Create(a_sInput:string); var i:integer; Begin inherited Create; //Add code here i := Pos(' ',a_sInput); if(i > 0) then begin //can find the ' '(space) m_sFirstName := Copy(a_sInput,1,i - 1); m_sFirstName := Trim(m_sFirstName);
m_sLastName := Copy(a_sInput,i + 1,Length(a_sInput) - i); m_sLastName := Trim(m_sLastName); end else begin //can't find the ' '(space) m_sFirstName := ''; m_sLastName := a_sInput; end;
constructor CFirst002.Create(a_sInput:string); var i,j:integer; Begin inherited Create; //Add code here i := Pos(',',a_sInput); if(i > 0) then begin //can find the ' '(space) m_sFirstName := Copy(a_sInput,1,i - 1); m_sFirstName := Trim(m_sFirstName);
m_sLastName := Copy(a_sInput,i + 1,Length(a_sInput) - i); m_sLastName := Trim(m_sLastName); end else begin //can't find the ' '(space) m_sFirstName := ''; m_sLastName := a_sInput; end;
function CNameFactory.getName(a_sInput:string):CName; var i:integer; Begin i := Pos(',',a_sInput); if(i > 0) then begin result := CFirst002.Create(a_sInput); end else begin result := CFirst001.Create(a_sInput); end; End;
当然,仅仅这样是不能够运行的,还需要在interface 部分加上uses Sysutils;因为string操作的部分函数用到了它。