目标检测数据集The Object Detection Dataset

在目标检测领域,没有像MNIST或Fashion MNIST这样的小数据集。为了快速测试模型,我们将组装一个小数据集。首先,我们使用一个开源的3D Pikachu模型生成1000张不同角度和大小的Pikachu图像。然后,我们收集一系列背景图像,并在每个图像上随机放置一个Pikachu图像。我们使用MXNet提供的im2rec工具将图像转换为二进制RecordIO格式[1]。这种格式可以减少数据集在磁盘上的存储开销,提高读取效率。如果您想了解有关如何读取图像的更多信息,请参阅GluonCV工具包的文档。

1. Downloading the Dataset


%matplotlib inline

from d2l import mxnet as d2l

from mxnet import gluon, image, np, npx

import os



d2l.DATA_HUB['pikachu'] = (d2l.DATA_URL + 'pikachu.zip',


2. Reading the Dataset



def load_data_pikachu(batch_size, edge_size=256):

    """Load the pikachu dataset."""

    data_dir = d2l.download_extract('pikachu')

    train_iter = image.ImageDetIter(

        path_imgrec=os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.rec'),

        path_imgidx=os.path.join(data_dir, 'train.idx'),


        data_shape=(3, edge_size, edge_size),  # The shape of the output image

        shuffle=True,  # Read the dataset in random order

        rand_crop=1,  # The probability of random cropping is 1

        min_object_covered=0.95, max_attempts=200)

    val_iter = image.ImageDetIter(

        path_imgrec=os.path.join(data_dir, 'val.rec'), batch_size=batch_size,

        data_shape=(3, edge_size, edge_size), shuffle=False)

    return train_iter, val_iter

下面,我们阅读一个小批量,并打印图像和标签的形状。图像的形状与前一个实验中相同(批量大小、通道数、高度、宽度)(batch size, number of channels, height, width)。标签的形状是(批量大小,m,5)(batch size, m=1。

batch_size, edge_size = 32, 256

train_iter, _ = load_data_pikachu(batch_size, edge_size)

batch = train_iter.next()

batch.data[0].shape, batch.label[0].shape

Downloading ../data/pikachu.zip from http://d2l-data.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/pikachu.zip...

((32, 3, 256, 256), (32, 1, 5))

3. Demonstration


imgs = (batch.data[0][0:10].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1)) / 255

axes = d2l.show_images(imgs, 2, 5, scale=2)

for ax, label in zip(axes, batch.label[0][0:10]):

d2l.show_bboxes(ax, [label[0][1:5] * edge_size], colors=['w'])

目标检测数据集The Object Detection Dataset

4. Summary

  • The Pikachu dataset we synthesized can be used to test object detection models.
  • The data reading for object detection is similar to that for image classification. However, after we introduce bounding boxes, the label shape and image augmentation (e.g., random cropping) are changed.