【发布时间】:2023-04-05 23:04:01
我正在使用 python 代码从许多 csv 文件中读取并将编码设置为 utf8。我在读取文件时遇到了问题,我可以读取所有行但是当我编写它时,它只能写入 1 行。请帮我检查我的代码如下:
def convert_files(files, ascii, to="utf-8"):
for name in files:
#print ("Convert {0} from {1} to {2}").format(name, ascii, to)
with open(name) as f:
count = 0
lineno = 0
#this point I want to write the below text into my each new file at the first line
#file_source.write('id;nom;prenom;nom_pere;nom_mere;prenom_pere;prenom_mere;civilite (1=homme 2=f);date_naissance;arrondissement;adresse;ville;code_postal;pays;telephone;email;civilite_demandeur (1=homme 2=f);nom_demandeur;prenom_demandeur;qualite_demandeur;type_acte;nombre_actes\n')
for line in f.readlines():
lineno +=1
if lineno == 1 :
file_source = open(name, mode='w', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
#print (line)
# start write data to to new file with encode
#print unicode(line, "cp866").encode("utf-8")
csv_files = find_csv_filenames('./csv', ".csv")
convert_files(csv_files, "cp866")
本站文章如无特殊说明,均为本站原创,如若转载,请注明出处:读取许多 csv 文件并使用 python 将其写入编码为 utf8 - Python技术站