

Reliable Multicast Programming Protocol (PGM)

Reliable Multicast Programming (PGM) is a protocol that helps to overcome the challenges of sending messages from one sender to multiple receivers in a network. PGM provides a highly efficient and reliable way of transmitting data from a single source to multiple destinations.

The PGM protocol was initially developed by Cisco Systems and is defined in the IETF RFC 3208. It integrates well with the traditional Internet Protocol (IP) suite, and its implementation is available in various open-source libraries.

How PGM works

PGM works by dividing the data to be transmitted into discrete packets or segments. These packets are then sent across the network and received by all the intended recipients. PGM ensures the reliability of data transmission through the following mechanisms:

  • Positive Acknowledgement: PGM uses a positive acknowledgement mechanism to confirm whether a packet has been received successfully by a particular recipient or not. If the packet is not acknowledged, it is sent again until the confirmation is received.

  • Window-based Flow Control: PGM uses a window-based flow-control mechanism to ensure that the number of packets sent across the network is limited, thus preventing network overloads.

  • Selective Retransmission: PGM uses selective retransmission to retransmit lost or corrupted packets, while not retransmitting packets that have been successfully delivered.

Advantages of PGM

Here are some of the advantages of using PGM for data transmission in multicast environments:

  • Reliable: PGM ensures the reliable delivery of data to all intended recipients.

  • Efficient: PGM's implementation is highly efficient, and it uses only a small number of network resources, ensuring that there is minimal network traffic.

  • Scalable: PGM can scale effectively to accommodate an increasing number of recipients without compromising the quality and reliability of data transmission.


PGM is an efficient and reliable protocol that can help solve the challenge of reliable data transmission to multiple recipients. PGM provides a more efficient way of transmitting data between one sender and multiple receivers compared to other protocols like TCP/IP. This protocol is widely used in various applications, including file sharing, streaming, and gaming. Therefore, it is essential to understand how it works and the advantages it provides to realize its potential.

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上一篇 2023年3月28日
下一篇 2023年3月28日


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