下面提供了caffe python的六个测试demo,大家可以根据自己的需求进行修改。

Example 1

  • From project FaceDetection_CNN-master, under directory , in source file test.py.
def convert_full_conv():
 # Load the original network and extract the fully connected layers' parameters.
    net = caffe.Net('deploy.prototxt',
    params = ['fc6', 'fc7', 'fc8_flickr']
    fc_params = {pr: (net.params[pr][0].data, net.params[pr][1].data) for pr in params}
    # Load the fully convolutional network to transplant the parameters.
    net_full_conv = caffe.Net('face_full_conv.prototxt',
    params_full_conv = ['fc6-conv', 'fc7-conv', 'fc8-conv']
    conv_params = {pr: (net_full_conv.params[pr][0].data, net_full_conv.params[pr][1].data) for pr in params_full_conv}
    for pr, pr_conv in zip(params, params_full_conv):
       conv_params[pr_conv][0].flat = fc_params[pr][0].flat  # flat unrolls the arrays
       conv_params[pr_conv][1][...] = fc_params[pr][1]

Example 2

  • From project visual-concepts-master, under directory , in source file test_model.py.
def load_model(prototxt_file, model_file, base_image_size, mean, vocab): 
  Load the model from file. Includes pointers to the prototxt file, 
  caffemodel file name, and other settings - image mean, base_image_size, vocab 
  model = {};
  model['net']= caffe.Net(prototxt_file, model_file, caffe.TEST);
  model['base_image_size'] = base_image_size;
  model['means'] = mean; model['vocab'] = vocab;
  return model

Example 3

  • From project SketchingAI-master, under directory src, in source file gendraw.py.
  • Caffe中只给出了分类模型classify.py,如果想写预测模型predict.py可以参考这个
def test_old():
    with open(labelspath,"r") as opened_file:
        labels = opened_file.readlines()

    net = caffe.Net(model_file, pretrained, caffe.TEST)

    transformer = caffe.io.Transformer({"data": net.blobs["data"].data.shape})


    test_image = dataroot+"/homecat.jpg"
    test_image1 = dataroot+"/241.png"

    net.blobs["data"].data[...] = transformer.preprocess("data", caffe.io.load_image(test_image1))
    out = net.forward()    
    print net.blobs["fc6"].data.shape

    prediction = out["prob"]

    indices = numpy.argpartition(prediction[0],-10)[-10:]

    print prediction[0].argmax(), labels[prediction[0].argmax()]

    net.blobs["data"].data[...] = transformer.preprocess("data", caffe.io.load_image(test_image))

    out = net.forward()    
    print net.blobs["fc6"].data.shape

    prediction = out["prob"]

    indices = numpy.argpartition(prediction[0],-10)[-10:]

    print prediction[0].argmax(), labels[prediction[0].argmax()]

    for index in indices:
        print labels[index]

Example 4

  • From project fast-rcnn-master, under directory tools, in source file compress_net.py.
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    net = caffe.Net(args.prototxt, args.caffemodel, caffe.TEST)

    net_svd = caffe.Net(args.prototxt_svd, args.caffemodel, caffe.TEST)

    print('Uncompressed network {} : {}'.format(args.prototxt, args.caffemodel))
    print('Compressed network prototxt {}'.format(args.prototxt_svd))

    out = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.caffemodel))[0] + '_svd'
    out_dir = os.path.dirname(args.caffemodel)

    # Compress fc6
    if net_svd.params.has_key('fc6_L'):
        l_fc6 = net_svd.params['fc6_L'][0].data.shape[0]
        print('  fc6_L bottleneck size: {}'.format(l_fc6))

        # uncompressed weights and biases
        W_fc6 = net.params['fc6'][0].data
        B_fc6 = net.params['fc6'][1].data

        print('  compressing fc6...')
        Ul_fc6, L_fc6 = compress_weights(W_fc6, l_fc6)

        assert(len(net_svd.params['fc6_L']) == 1)

        # install compressed matrix factors (and original biases)
        net_svd.params['fc6_L'][0].data[...] = L_fc6

        net_svd.params['fc6_U'][0].data[...] = Ul_fc6
        net_svd.params['fc6_U'][1].data[...] = B_fc6

        out += '_fc6_{}'.format(l_fc6)

    # Compress fc7
    if net_svd.params.has_key('fc7_L'):
        l_fc7 = net_svd.params['fc7_L'][0].data.shape[0]
        print '  fc7_L bottleneck size: {}'.format(l_fc7)

        W_fc7 = net.params['fc7'][0].data
        B_fc7 = net.params['fc7'][1].data

        print('  compressing fc7...')
        Ul_fc7, L_fc7 = compress_weights(W_fc7, l_fc7)

        assert(len(net_svd.params['fc7_L']) == 1)

        net_svd.params['fc7_L'][0].data[...] = L_fc7

        net_svd.params['fc7_U'][0].data[...] = Ul_fc7
        net_svd.params['fc7_U'][1].data[...] = B_fc7

        out += '_fc7_{}'.format(l_fc7)

    filename = '{}/{}.caffemodel'.format(out_dir, out)
    print 'Wrote svd model to: {:s}'.format(filename)

Example 5

  • From project DIGITS-master, under directory digits/model/tasks, in source file caffe_train.py.
def get_net(self, epoch=None):
        Returns an instance of caffe.Net

        Keyword Arguments:
        epoch -- which snapshot to load (default is -1 to load the most recently generated snapshot)
        if not self.has_model():
            return False

        file_to_load = None

        if not epoch:
            epoch = self.snapshots[-1][1]
            file_to_load = self.snapshots[-1][0]
            for snapshot_file, snapshot_epoch in self.snapshots:
                if snapshot_epoch == epoch:
                    file_to_load = snapshot_file
        if file_to_load is None:
            raise Exception('snapshot not found for epoch "%s"' % epoch)

        # check if already loaded
        if self.loaded_snapshot_file and self.loaded_snapshot_file == file_to_load \
                and hasattr(self, '_caffe_net') and self._caffe_net is not None:
            return self._caffe_net

        if config_value('caffe_root')['cuda_enabled'] and\

        # load a new model
        self._caffe_net = caffe.Net(

        self.loaded_snapshot_epoch = epoch
        self.loaded_snapshot_file = file_to_load

        return self._caffe_net

Example 6

  • From project DIGITS-master, under directory examples/classification, in source file example.py.
def get_net(caffemodel, deploy_file, use_gpu=True):
    Returns an instance of caffe.Net

    caffemodel -- path to a .caffemodel file
    deploy_file -- path to a .prototxt file

    Keyword arguments:
    use_gpu -- if True, use the GPU for inference
    if use_gpu:

    # load a new model
    return caffe.Net(deploy_file, caffemodel, caffe.TEST)