【Visual Leak Detector】配置项 StackWalkMethod


使用 VLD 内存泄漏检测工具辅助开发时整理的学习笔记。本篇介绍 VLD 配置文件中配置项 StackWalkMethod 的使用方法。同系列文章目录可见 《内存泄漏检测工具》目录

1. 配置文件使用说明

在程序中通过 #include "vld.h" 的方式检测内存泄漏时,VLD 首先会尝试在程序的生成目录下读取 vld.ini 文件,若未读取成功,则会尝试在 VLD 的安装目录下读取 vld.ini 文件,若仍未读取成功,则会使用内置的默认配置,内置的默认配置如果不动源码是无法更改的,因此通过修改相应目录下的 vld.ini 文件来定制 VLD 功能是最好的选择。当配置参数等号右边为空,或者给配置了不合法值时,在使用过程中会被程序重置到默认值。

2. 设置调用堆栈的跟踪方法




功能说明:设置调用堆栈的跟踪方法。fast 方法速度快但跟踪的调用堆栈可能不完整,会漏掉一些;safe 方法能更可靠地获得完整的调用堆栈,但速度会慢很多,有可能导致被检测的程序性能出现显著下降,这时为了减少检测时间,可以将配置项 MaxTraceFrames 设置得小一些。

2.1 测试代码

#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTime>
#include "vld.h"

void testFun(int i)
    if (i > 1)
        int *ptr = new int(i);
        printf("ptr = %08x, *ptr = %08x.\n", ptr, *ptr);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QTime timedebuge;

    qDebug() << "Elapsed Time: " << timedebuge.elapsed() << "ms";

    return a.exec();

测试环境:QT 5.9.2MSVC 2015 32bitDebug 模式,VLD 版本为 2.5.1,VLD 配置文件只对该参数做修改,测试工程所在路径为:E:\Cworkspace\Qt 5.9\QtDemo\testVLD

2.2 StackWalkMethod = fast 时的输出


ptr = 006e90c0, *ptr = 00000001.
Elapsed Time:  1 ms

VLD 输出报告:

Visual Leak Detector read settings from: D:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Leak Detector\vld.ini
Visual Leak Detector Version 2.5.1 installed.
WARNING: Visual Leak Detector detected memory leaks!
---------- Block 1 at 0x006E90C0: 4 bytes ----------
  Leak Hash: 0x03496A17, Count: 1, Total 4 bytes
  Call Stack (TID 11760):
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\heap\new_scalar.cpp (19): testVLD.exe!operator new() + 0x9 bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (13): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0x7 bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (25): testVLD.exe!main() + 0x7 bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (74): testVLD.exe!invoke_main() + 0x1B bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (264): testVLD.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() + 0x5 bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (309): testVLD.exe!__scrt_common_main()
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_main.cpp (17): testVLD.exe!mainCRTStartup()
    KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0x19 bytes
    ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath() + 0x11E bytes
    ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath() + 0xEE bytes
    01 00 00 00                                                  ........ ........

Visual Leak Detector detected 1 memory leak (40 bytes).
Largest number used: 40 bytes.
Total allocations: 40 bytes.
Visual Leak Detector is now exiting.

2.3 StackWalkMethod = safe 时的输出


ptr = 012aa388, *ptr = 00000001.
Elapsed Time:  18 ms

VLD 输出报告:

Visual Leak Detector read settings from: D:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Leak Detector\vld.ini
Visual Leak Detector Version 2.5.1 installed.
    Using the "safe" (but slow) stack walking method.
WARNING: Visual Leak Detector detected memory leaks!
---------- Block 1 at 0x012AA388: 4 bytes ----------
  Leak Hash: 0x9281F97B, Count: 1, Total 4 bytes
  Call Stack (TID 30696):
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\heap\new_scalar.cpp (19): testVLD.exe!operator new() + 0x9 bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (13): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0x7 bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (10): testVLD.exe!testFun() + 0xC bytes
    e:\cworkspace\qt 5.9\qtdemo\testvld\main.cpp (25): testVLD.exe!main() + 0x7 bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (74): testVLD.exe!invoke_main() + 0x1B bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (264): testVLD.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() + 0x5 bytes
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (309): testVLD.exe!__scrt_common_main()
    f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_main.cpp (17): testVLD.exe!mainCRTStartup()
    KERNEL32.DLL!BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0x19 bytes
    ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath() + 0x11E bytes
    ntdll.dll!RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath() + 0xEE bytes
    01 00 00 00                                                  ........ ........

Visual Leak Detector detected 1 memory leak (40 bytes).
Largest number used: 40 bytes.
Total allocations: 40 bytes.
Visual Leak Detector is now exiting.

2.4 输出结果对比

  • StackWalkMethod = fast 时,耗时 1 ms,此次检测输出了全部的调用堆栈。
  • StackWalkMethod = safe 时,耗时 18 ms,也检测输出了全部的调用堆栈。


本站文章如无特殊说明,均为本站原创,如若转载,请注明出处:【Visual Leak Detector】配置项 StackWalkMethod - Python技术站

上一篇 2023年4月18日
下一篇 2023年4月18日


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