1. 安装依赖库
pip install numpy
pip install pillow
pip install scikit-image
pip install tensorflow
2. 获取验证码图片
import requests
response = requests.get('http://example.com/captcha.jpg', stream=True)
with open('captcha.jpg', 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.iter_content(1024):
3. 预处理图片
from PIL import Image
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.transform import resize
img = Image.open('captcha.jpg').convert('L')
img = resize(img, (30, 30)) # 缩放为30x30
thresh = threshold_otsu(img)
binary = (img > thresh).astype(int)
4. 加载预训练模型
加载预训练的机器学习模型,这里使用卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,简称CNN)模型进行验证码识别。可以使用Tensorflow库实现:
import tensorflow as tf
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('captcha_model.h5')
5. 预测验证码
import numpy as np
image = np.expand_dims(binary, axis=2) # 扩展为3维(width x height x channel)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # 扩展为4维(batch x width x height x channel)
prediction = model.predict_classes(image)
captcha_text = str(prediction[0])
这里将预处理后的图片扩展为3维和4维,是因为CNN的输入数据格式为4维(batch x width x height x channel)。最后将预测结果转换为字符串格式的验证码文字。
import requests
from PIL import Image
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.transform import resize
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# 1. 下载验证码图片
url = 'http://example.com/captcha.jpg'
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
with open('captcha.jpg', 'wb') as f:
for chunk in response.iter_content(1024):
# 2. 图片预处理
img = Image.open('captcha.jpg').convert('L')
img = resize(img, (30, 30)) # 缩放为30x30
thresh = threshold_otsu(img)
binary = (img > thresh).astype(int)
# 3. 加载预训练模型
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('captcha_model.h5')
# 4. 预测验证码
image = np.expand_dims(binary, axis=2) # 扩展为3维(width x height x channel)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # 扩展为4维(batch x width x height x channel)
prediction = model.predict_classes(image)
captcha_text = str(prediction[0])
print('验证码为:', captcha_text)
from PIL import Image
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.transform import resize
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
# 1. 读取本地图片
img = Image.open('captcha.jpg').convert('L')
# 2. 图片预处理
img = resize(img, (30, 30)) # 缩放为30x30
thresh = threshold_otsu(img)
binary = (img > thresh).astype(int)
# 3. 加载预训练模型
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('captcha_model.h5')
# 4. 预测验证码
image = np.expand_dims(binary, axis=2) # 扩展为3维(width x height x channel)
image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # 扩展为4维(batch x width x height x channel)
prediction = model.predict_classes(image)
captcha_text = str(prediction[0])
print('本地图片验证码为:', captcha_text)
本站文章如无特殊说明,均为本站原创,如若转载,请注明出处:python 识别登录验证码图片功能的实现代码(完整代码) - Python技术站