常用的人工神经网络算法包括:感知机神经网络(Perceptron Neural Nerwork)、反向传播网络(Back Propagation,BP)、HopField网络、自组织映射网络(Self-Organizing Map,SOM)、学习矢量量化网络(Learning Vector Quantization,LVQ)
3)若y1(w.xi+b)<=0(即该实例为误分类点)则更新参数:w=w+η.yi.xi b=b+η.yi
1 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 2 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 3 import numpy as np 4 from sklearn.datasets import load_iris 5 from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier 6 7 8 def creat_data(n): 9 np.random.seed(1) 10 x_11=np.random.randint(0,100,(n,1)) 11 x_12=np.random.randint(0,100,(n,1,)) 12 x_13 = 20+np.random.randint(0, 10, (n, 1,)) 13 x_21 = np.random.randint(0, 100, (n, 1)) 14 x_22 = np.random.randint(0, 100, (n, 1)) 15 x_23 = 10-np.random.randint(0, 10, (n, 1,)) 16 17 # print(x_11) 18 # print(x_12) 19 # print(x_13) 20 # print(x_21) 21 # print(x_22) 22 # print(x_23) 23 24 # rotate 45 degrees along the X axis 25 new_x_12=x_12*np.sqrt(2)/2-x_13*np.sqrt(2)/2 26 new_x_13 = x_12 * np.sqrt(2) / 2 + x_13 * np.sqrt(2) / 2 27 new_x_22=x_22*np.sqrt(2)/2-x_23*np.sqrt(2)/2 28 new_x_23 = x_22 * np.sqrt(2) / 2 + x_23 * np.sqrt(2) / 2 29 30 # print(new_x_12) 31 # print(new_x_13) 32 # print(new_x_22) 33 # print(new_x_23) 34 35 plus_samples=np.hstack([x_11,new_x_12,new_x_13,np.ones((n,1))]) 36 minus_samples=np.hstack([x_11,new_x_22,new_x_23,-np.ones((n,1))]) 37 samples=np.vstack([plus_samples,minus_samples]) 38 # print(samples) 39 np.random.shuffle(samples) 40 41 # print(plus_samples) 42 # print(minus_samples) 43 # print(samples) 44 45 return samples 46 47 def plot_samples(ax,samples): 48 Y=samples[:,-1] 49 Y=samples[:,-1] 50 # print(Y) 51 position_p=Y==1 ##the position of positve class 52 position_m=Y==-1 ##the position of minus class 53 # print(position_p) 54 # print(position_m) 55 ax.scatter(samples[position_p,0],samples[position_p,1],samples[position_p,2],marker='+',label="+",color='b') 56 ax.scatter(samples[position_m,0],samples[position_m,1],samples[position_m,2],marker='^',label='-',color='y') 57 58 def perceptron(train_data,eta,w_0,b_0): 59 x=train_data[:,:-1] #x data 60 y=train_data[:,-1] #corresponding classification 61 length=train_data.shape[0] #the size of sample==the row number of the train_data 62 w=w_0 63 b=b_0 64 step_num=0 65 while True: 66 i=0 67 while(i<length): #traverse all sample points in a sample set 68 step_num+=1 69 x_i=x[i].reshape((x.shape[1],1)) 70 y_i=y[i] 71 if y_i*(np.dot(np.transpose(w),x_i)+b)<=0: #the point is misclassified 72 w=w+eta*y_i*x_i #gradient descent 73 b=b+eta*y_i 74 break;#perform the next round of screening 75 else: #the point is not a misclassification point select the next sample point 76 i=i+1 77 if(i==length): 78 break 79 return (w,b,step_num) 80 81 def creat_hyperplane(x,y,w,b): 82 return (-w[0][0]*x-w[1][0]*y-b)/w[2][0] #w0*x+w1*y+w2*z+b=0 83 84 85 86 87 data=creat_data(100) 88 eta,w_0,b_0=0.1,np.ones((3,1),dtype=float),1 89 w,b,num=perceptron(data,eta,w_0,b_0) 90 91 fig=plt.figure() 92 plt.suptitle("perceptron") 93 ax=Axes3D(fig) 94 #draw samplt point 95 plot_samples(ax,data) 96 #draw hyperplane 97 x=np.linspace(-30,100,100) 98 y=np.linspace(-30,100,100) 99 x,y=np.meshgrid(x,y) 100 z=creat_hyperplane(x,y,w,b) 101 ax.plot_surface(x,y,z,rstride=1,cstride=1,color='g',alpha=0.2) 102 103 ax.legend(loc='best') 104 plt.show()
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