Fail to export the model in PyTorch
1. RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn't export operator aten::rsqrt
2. RuntimeError: ONNX export failed: Couldn't export operator aten::reshape
def reshape(g, self, shape): return view(g, self, shape) def reshape_as(g, self, other): shape = g.op('Shape', other) return reshape(g, self, shape)
3. ONNX export failed on ATen operator group_norm because torch.onnx.symbolic.group_norm does not exist
@parse_args('v', 'i', 'v', 'v', 'f', 'i') def group_norm(g, input, num_groups, weight, bias, eps, cudnn_enabled): return g.op("ATen", input, weight, bias, num_groups_i=num_groups, eps_f=eps, cudnn_enabled_i=cudnn_enabled, operator_s="group_norm")
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