




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int waiting = 0;  //等待理发的顾客数
int done = 0;     //理发完成的顾客数
int barber_sleeping = 0;  //理发师是否在睡觉
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  //定义互斥锁
pthread_cond_t customers = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  //定义条件变量
pthread_cond_t barber = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;     //定义条件变量

void* barber_thread(void* arg) {  //理发师线程函数
    while(1) {
        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
        if(waiting == 0) {  //无顾客,则睡觉
            printf("Barber is sleeping.\n");
            barber_sleeping = 1;
            pthread_cond_wait(&customers, &mutex);  //等待顾客
            barber_sleeping = 0;
        waiting--;  //从等待队列中去除一位顾客
        printf("Barber is cutting hair for customer %d\n", done+1);
        done++;  //理发
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
        sleep(2);  //模拟理发过程

void* customer_thread(void* arg) {  //顾客线程函数
    int id = *(int*)arg;
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
    printf("Customer %d arrives.\n", id+1);
    if(waiting == 0 && barber_sleeping) {  //理发师正在睡觉,则叫醒他
        printf("Customer %d wakes up the barber.\n", id+1);
        barber_sleeping = 0;
    else if(waiting > 0) {  //已有顾客等待,则加入等待队列
        printf("Customer %d joins the queue.\n", id+1);
    waiting++;  //加入等待队列
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
    pthread_cond_wait(&barber, &mutex);  //等待理发完成
    printf("Customer %d leaves.\n", id+1);

int main() {
    const int n_customers = 10;
    pthread_t barber_tid, customer_tid[n_customers];
    pthread_create(&barber_tid, NULL, barber_thread, NULL);  //创建理发师线程
    for(int i = 0; i < n_customers; i++) {
        sleep(rand() % 3);  //随机睡眠一段时间
        pthread_create(&customer_tid[i], NULL, customer_thread, (void*)&i);  //创建顾客线程
    for(int i = 0; i < n_customers; i++) {
        pthread_join(customer_tid[i], NULL);  //等待顾客线程结束
    return 0;




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int waiting = 0;  //等待理发的顾客数
int done = 0;     //理发完成的顾客数
int barber_sleeping = 0;  //理发师是否在睡觉
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  //定义互斥锁
pthread_cond_t customers = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  //定义条件变量
pthread_cond_t barber = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;     //定义条件变量

void* barber_thread(void* arg) {  //理发师线程函数
    while(done < 10) {  //理发师一天最多为10位顾客理发
        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
        if(waiting == 0) {  //无顾客,则睡觉
            printf("Barber is sleeping.\n");
            barber_sleeping = 1;
            pthread_cond_wait(&customers, &mutex);  //等待顾客
            barber_sleeping = 0;
        waiting--;  //从等待队列中去除一位顾客
        printf("Barber is cutting hair for customer %d\n", done+1);
        done++;  //理发
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
        sleep(2);  //模拟理发过程

void* customer_thread(void* arg) {  //顾客线程函数
    int id = *(int*)arg;
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
    printf("Customer %d arrives.\n", id+1);
    if(waiting == 0 && barber_sleeping) {  //理发师正在睡觉,则叫醒他
        printf("Customer %d wakes up the barber.\n", id+1);
        barber_sleeping = 0;
    else if(waiting > 0) {  //已有顾客等待,则加入等待队列
        printf("Customer %d joins the queue.\n", id+1);
    waiting++;  //加入等待队列
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
    pthread_cond_wait(&barber, &mutex);  //等待理发完成
    printf("Customer %d leaves.\n", id+1);

int main() {
    pthread_t barber_tid, customer_tid[15];
    pthread_create(&barber_tid, NULL, barber_thread, NULL);  //创建理发师线程
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        sleep(rand() % 5);  //模拟到店时间
        pthread_create(&customer_tid[i], NULL, customer_thread, (void*)&i);  //创建顾客线程
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        pthread_join(customer_tid[i], NULL);  //等待顾客线程结束
    pthread_cancel(barber_tid);  //关闭理发师线程
    printf("The barber shop closes.\n");
    return 0;

上述示例中,我们模拟了一天的理发生意,每个顾客在到店后会等待一段时间后发现理发师正在睡觉,则会叫醒他并进行理发;或者等待前面的顾客理发完成后再进行理发。而理发师则一直进行理发直到完成10位顾客的理发。最后,我们关闭理发师线程并输出“The barber shop closes.”。


Barber is sleeping.
Customer 1 arrives.
Customer 1 wakes up the barber.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 1
Customer 2 arrives.
Customer 2 joins the queue.
Customer 3 arrives.
Customer 3 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 2
Customer 4 arrives.
Customer 4 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 3
Customer 5 arrives.
Customer 5 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 4
Customer 6 arrives.
Customer 6 joins the queue.
Customer 7 arrives.
Customer 7 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 5
Customer 8 arrives.
Customer 8 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 6
Barber is cutting hair for customer 7
Customer 9 arrives.
Customer 9 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 8
Customer 10 arrives.
Customer 10 joins the queue.
Barber is cutting hair for customer 9
Barber is cutting hair for customer 10
The barber shop closes.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>

int waiting = 0;  //等待理发的顾客数
int done = 0;     //理发完成的顾客数
int barber_sleeping = 0;  //理发师是否在睡觉
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;  //定义互斥锁
pthread_cond_t customers = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;  //定义条件变量
pthread_cond_t barber = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;     //定义条件变量

void* barber_thread(void* arg) {  //理发师线程函数
    while(done < 10) {  //理发师一天最多为10位顾客理发
        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
        if(waiting == 0) {  //无顾客,则睡觉
            printf("[%s] Barber is sleeping.\n", \
            barber_sleeping = 1;
            pthread_cond_wait(&customers, &mutex);  //等待顾客
            barber_sleeping = 0;
        waiting--;  //从等待队列中去除一位顾客
        printf("[%s] Barber is cutting hair for customer %d\n", \
        asctime(localtime(&(time_t){time(NULL)})), done+1);
        done++;  //理发
        pthread_cond_signal(&barber);  //发送理发完成信号
        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
        sleep(2);  //模拟理发过程

void* customer_thread(void* arg) {  //顾客线程函数
    int id = *(int*)arg;
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);  //加锁
    printf("[%s] Customer %d arrives.\n", \
    asctime(localtime(&(time_t){time(NULL)})), id+1);
    if(waiting == 0 && barber_sleeping) {  //理发师正在睡觉,则叫醒他
        printf("[%s] Customer %d wakes up the barber.\n", \
        asctime(localtime(&(time_t){time(NULL)})), id+1);
        barber_sleeping = 0;
    else if(waiting > 0) {  //已有顾客等待,则加入等待队列
        printf("[%s] Customer %d joins the queue.\n", \
        asctime(localtime(&(time_t){time(NULL)})), id+1);
    waiting++;  //加入等待队列
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);  //解锁
    pthread_cond_wait(&barber, &mutex);  //等待理发完成
    printf("[%s] Customer %d leaves.\n", \
    asctime(localtime(&(time_t){time(NULL)})), id+1);

int main() {
    pthread_t barber_tid, customer_tid[15];
    pthread_create(&barber_tid, NULL, barber_thread, NULL);  //创建理发师线程
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        sleep(rand() % 5);  //模拟到店时间
        pthread_create(&customer_tid[i], NULL, customer_thread, (void*)&i);  //创建顾客线程
    for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        pthread_join(customer_tid[i], NULL);  //等待顾客线程结束
    pthread_cancel(barber_tid);  //关闭理发师线程
    printf("[%s] The barber shop closes.\n", \
    return 0;

在上述示例中,我们添加了日志记录功能,利用asctime和localtime函数可以在日志输出中加入当前时间。同时,为了保证理发完成后及时通知顾客,我们在理发师线程函数中发送了理发完成信号pthread_cond_signal。最后,我们输出“[time] The barber shop closes.”表示营业结束。


[Wed Sep 15 22:34:44 2021] Customer 1 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:44 2021] Customer 1 wakes up the barber.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:44 2021] Barber is cutting hair for customer 1
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:46 2021] Customer 2 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:46 2021] Customer 2 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:48 2021] Customer 3 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:48 2021] Customer 3 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:50 2021] Barber is cutting hair for customer 2
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:51 2021] Customer 4 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:51 2021] Customer 4 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:53 2021] Barber is cutting hair for customer 3
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:54 2021] Customer 5 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:54 2021] Customer 5 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:56 2021] Barber is cutting hair for customer 4
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:57 2021] Customer 6 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:57 2021] Customer 6 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:58 2021] Customer 7 arrives.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:58 2021] Customer 7 joins the queue.
[Wed Sep 15 22:34:59 2021] Barber is cutting hair for customer 5
[Wed Sep 15 22:35:01 2021] Customer 8 arrives.

本站文章如无特殊说明,均为本站原创,如若转载,请注明出处:C语言中的睡眠理发师问题解决方案 - Python技术站

上一篇 2023年5月9日
下一篇 2023年5月9日


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